Customer’s Testimonials

Customer’s Testimonials



I have engaged City Lending Pty Ltd, team Michael and Rebecca for 5 years.

They always concern how they can help me to grow my financial portfolio with many directions. First big challenge for us is to get refinance for my 1st property in Sydney. As I was in probation period at a new job that time, that situation usually does not allow me to get refinance, it might be pretty tough time for Michael though, he could get a better home loan for me. After that I was thinking about buying new properties then Michael and Rebecca introduce a property agency then I purchased units with off the plan in Brisbane. 1year later I had to get a mortgage for one of the units there in May 2016, they did big effort to get a better deal as I have some issues with my cash flow. Michael eventually got a best deal after long negotiation with a bank then I could settle on time. Based on their experiences, Michael is extremely clear headed, highly focused on the needs of clients, can analyze the Australia economy and make decision very quickly. Rebecca knows how to reduce my income tax very well. Their suggestion for me has been working very well, I don’t have to seek the solution by myself, just leave it to them. City Lending Pty Ltd is a great company to deal with and highly recommended!
Junko Mine